Publikationen von Maria-Eirini Pandelia

Zeitschriftenartikel (3)

Pandelia, M.-E.; Bykov, D.; Izsak, R.; Infossi, P.; Giudici-Orticoni, M.-T.; Bill, E.; Neese, F.; Lubitz, W. Reply to Mouesca et al.: Electronic structure of the proximal [4Fe-3S] cluster of O2-tolerant [NiFe] hydrogenases. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2013, 110, E2539.
Kampa, M.; Pandelia, M.-E.; Lubitz, W.; van Gastel, M.; Neese, F. A Metal–Metal Bond in the Light-Induced State of [NiFe] Hydrogenases with Relevance to Hydrogen Evolution. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2013, 135, 3915–3925.
Pandelia, M.-E.; Bykov, D.; Izsak, R.; Infossi, P.; Giudici-Orticoni, M.-T.; Bill, E.; Neese, F.; Lubitz, W. Electronic structure of the unique [4Fe-3S] cluster in O2-tolerant hydrogenases characterized by 57Fe Mössbauer and EPR spectroscopy. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2013, 110, 483–488.

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