Publikationen des MPI für Kohlenforschung

Publikationen von Achintya Kumar Dutta

Zeitschriftenartikel (6)

Dutta, A. K.; Neese, F.; Izsák, R. Accelerating the coupled-cluster singles and doubles method using the chain-of-sphere approximation. Molecular Physics 2018, 116, 1428–1434.
Dutta, A. K.; Nooijen, M.; Neese, F.; Izsák, R. Exploring the Accuracy of a Low Scaling Similarity Transformed Equation of Motion Method for Vertical Excitation Energies. Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 2018, 14, 72–91.
Dutta, A. K.; Neese, F.; Izsák, R. A simple scheme for calculating approximate transition moments within the equation of motion expectation value formalism. The Journal of Chemical Physics 2017, 146, 214111.
Dutta, A. K.; Nooijen, M.; Neese, F.; Izsák, R. Automatic active space selection for the similarity transformed equations of motion coupled cluster method. The Journal of Chemical Physics 2017, 146, 074103.
Dutta, A. K.; Neese, F.; Izsák, R. Towards a pair natural orbital coupled cluster method for excited states. The Journal of Chemical Physics 2016, 145, 034102.
Dutta, A. K.; Neese, F.; Izsák, R. Speeding up equation of motion coupled cluster theory with the chain of spheres approximation. The Journal of Chemical Physics 2016, 144, 034102.
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