Zeitschriftenartikel (53)
Rao, S. V.; Manganas, D.; Sivalingam, K.; Atanasov, M.; Neese, F. Extended Active Space Ab Initio Ligand Field Theory: Applications to Transition-Metal Ions. Inorganic Chemistry 2024, 63, 24672–24684.
Atanasov, M.; Neese, F.; Oxygen-Donor Metalloligands Induce Slow Magnetization Relaxation in Zero Field for a Cobalt(II) Complex with {CoO4} Motif. Inorganic Chemistry 2024, 63, 5652–5663.
; ; ; ; ; 2023
Atanasov, M.; Neese, F.; Theoretical Magnetic Relaxation and Spin–Phonon Coupling Study in a Series of Molecular Engineering Designed Bridged Dysprosocenium Analogues. Inorganic Chemistry 2023, 62, 17499–17509.
Rao, S. V.; ; ; ; Atanasov, M.; Neese, F.; Air-stable four-coordinate cobalt(II) single-ion magnets: experimental and ab initio ligand field analyses of correlations between dihedral angles and magnetic anisotropy. Chemical Science 2023, 14, 6355–6374.
Atanasov, M.; Rao, S. V.; Neese, F.; ; ; Exchange Interactions and Magnetic Properties of a Molecular Mn18-Ring Complex. Chemistry – A European Journal 2023, 29, e202203449.
Atanasov, M.; ; ; ; ; ; ; Neese, F.; On the Single-Molecule Magnetic Behavior of Linear Iron(I) Arylsilylamides. Inorganic Chemistry 2023, 62, 3153–3161.
; 2022
Atanasov, M.; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; Neese, F.; ; ; ; Comprehensive Studies of Magnetic Transitions and Spin–Phonon Couplings in the Tetrahedral Cobalt Complex Co(AsPh3)2I2. Inorganic Chemistry 2022, 61, 17123–17136.
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Atanasov, M.; Spiller, N.; Neese, F. Magnetic exchange and valence delocalization in a mixed valence [Fe2+Fe3+Te2]+ complex: insights from theory and interpretations of magnetic and spectroscopic data. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2022, 24, 20760–20775.
Atanasov, M.; ; ; ; Neese, F. First-Principles Study of Optical Absorption Energies, Ligand Field and Spin-Hamiltonian Parameters of Cr3+ Ions in Emeralds. Inorganic Chemistry 2022, 61, 178–192.
Atanasov, M.; ; ; ; ; Neese, F.; Effect of Spin–Orbit Coupling on Phonon-Mediated Magnetic Relaxation in a Series of Zero-Valent Vanadium, Niobium, and Tantalum Isocyanide Complexes. Inorganic Chemistry 2021, 60, 18553–18560.
Atanasov, M.; ; ; ; ; Rational Design of a Confacial Pentaoctahedron: Anisotropic Exchange in a Linear ZnIIFeIIIFeIIIFeIIIZnII Complex. Chemistry – A European Journal 2021, 27, 15240–15251.
Atanasov, M.; ; Neese, F.; ; ; ; ; ; Coexistence of Two Different Distorted Octahedral [MnF6]3− Sites in K3[MnF6]: Manifestation in Spectroscopy and Magnetism. Chemistry – A European Journal 2021, 27, 9801–9813.
Cahier, B.; Atanasov, M.; Neese, F.; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; Robust magnetic anisotropy of a monolayer of hexacoordinate Fe(II) complexes assembled on Cu(111). Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers 2021, 8, 2395–2404.
; 2020
Atanasov, M.; ; ; Neese, F.; ; Strong Electronic and Magnetic Coupling in M4 (M = Ni, Cu) Clusters via Direct Orbital Interactions between Low-Coordinate Metal Centers. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2020, 142, 19161–19169.
Schapiro, I.; ; ; Atanasov, M.; Neese, F.; ; Spin-chemical effects on intramolecular photoinduced charge transfer reactions in bisphenanthroline copper(I)-viologen dyad assemblies. Chemical Science 2020, 11, 5511–5525.
Lang, L.; Atanasov, M.; Neese, F. Improvement of Ab Initio Ligand Field Theory by Means of Multistate Perturbation Theory. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2020, 124, 1025–1037.
Jung, J.; ; ; ; Bill, E.; Bistoni, G.; ; Atanasov, M.; ; Neese, F. Dispersion Forces Drive the Formation of Uranium–Alkane Adducts. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2020, 142, 1864–1870.
Neese, F.; Atanasov, M.; ; Insights into Single-Molecule-Magnet Behavior from the Experimental Electron Density of Linear Two-Coordinate Iron Complexes. Inorganic Chemistry 2019, 58, 3211–3218.
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Atanasov, M.; ; Neese, F.; Probing Magnetic Excitations in CoII Single-Molecule Magnets by Inelastic Neutron Scattering. European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry 2019, 2019, 1119–1127.
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Neese, F.; Atanasov, M.; Bistoni, G.; Maganas, D.; Ye, S. Chemistry and Quantum Mechanics in 2019: Give Us Insight and Numbers. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2019, 141, 2814–2824.