Julius Hillenbrand wins the Thiel Award

The Thiel Award in 2020 goes to Julius Hillenbrand from the Department of Organometallic Chemistry. The “Thiel Award” was created to promote young academics and honors the best publication of a year in memory of the Emeritus Director, Prof. Dr. Walter Thiel, who unexpectedly passed away in 2019.
The award honors the work on “Canopy Catalysts” for Alkyne Metathesis and results from the fruitful cooperation of several departments. The publication appeared recently in the ”Journal of the American Chemical Society” and marks an important milestone in the field of alkyne metathesis.
Due to the corona pandemic, the award ceremony and the scientific presentation will be postponed to next year.
Hillenbrand, J., Leutzsch, M., Yiannakas, E., Gordon, C. P., Wille, C., Nöthling, N., Copéret, C., & Fürstner, A. (2020). "Canopy Catalysts" for Alkyne Metathesis: Molybdenum Alkylidyne Complexes with a Tripodal Ligand Framework. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 142(25), 11279-11294. doi:10.1021/jacs.0c04742.