Summer School: Advanced methods for the characterization of applied materials
Summer School: Advanced methods for the characterization of applied materials
- Beginn: 25.09.2023
- Ende: 27.09.2023
- Vortragende: diverse
- Ort: Max-Planck-Institut für Kohlenforschung, Hörsaalgebäude, Eingang Lembkestraße 7, 45470 Mülheim an der Ruhr
- Raum: Grand Lecture Hall
- Gastgeber: Hilke Petersen und Claudia Weidenthaler
- Kontakt:
In the workshop, the fundamentals of a variety of advanced characterization techniques as well as their application area will be introduced. The scope of characterization techniques ranges from the exploration on the local scale over the surface to bulk analysis and will include spectroscopic, scattering as well as imaging techniques.During the Summer School the following topics will be addressed:Characterization methods such as• Surface spectroscopy• Total scattering experiments• X-ray and neutron-tomography• X-ray absorption spectroscopy• Electron crystallography• Small angle scattering• Electron microscopy• Electron microprobe analysis• Vibrational spectroscopy• Solid state NMR• Advanced powder diffraction and in situ techniquesThe participants are encouraged to present their work as posters or as 5 min lightning talks. Individual problems will be discussed.