5th Training School Scale Up of Mechanochemical Syntheses
- Beginn: 27.03.2023
- Ende: 30.03.2023
- Vortragende(r): divers
- Ort: Max-Planck-Institut für Kohlenforschung, Hörsaalgebäude, Eingang Lembkestraße 7, 45470 Mülheim an der Ruhr
- Raum: kleiner Hörsaal
- Gastgeber: Dr. Michael Felderhoff
This course will enable participants to gain basic training in carrying out and to scale up (to kg-amounts) solid state reactions in general using different types of ball mills. The main aims are:1. To transfer mechanochemical experiments with ball mills from g– to kg-scale.2. Learn on how to follow the reaction progress with sampling and different analyticalmethods3. To get familiar with big ball mills for industrial applications
Apply by filling the google form available at tinyurl.com/TSMuelheimApp For more information contact Training School coordinator Martin Krupička (Martin.Krupicka@vscht.cz).
The theoretical sessions will be also broadcast online.