Key Lectureships

2024 Eun Lee Lectureship, Seoul National University, Korea
2023 Barluenga Lectureship, University of Oviedo, Spain
2023 Backer Lecture, University of Groningen, Netherlands
2023 Pharmaron Lecture Series: Frontiers in Synthetic and Medicinal Chemistry (online)
2022 Heilbronner-Hückel Lectureship, Swiss Chemical Society (postponed to 2023)
2021 Gilbert-Stork-Lectureship, Madison, Wisconsin, USA
2019 Patai-Rappoport Lecture, ESOC 2019, Vienna (Austria)
2018 George Büchi Lectureship, MIT, Cambridge  (USA)
2018 Novartis Lecture, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign (USA)
2018 Ernest E. Campaigne Lecture, University of Indiana, Bloomington (USA)
2018 Givaudan-Karrer Lecturer, University of Zürich (Switzerland)
2017 Bohlmann Lecture, TU Berlin (Germany)
2017 Xingda Lectureship, Peking University, Beijing (China)
2016 Stork Lecture, Columbia University, New York (USA)
2016 Inaugural Adolf Lieben-Lectureship (Austria)
2015 Sandin Lecture, Edmonton (Canada)
2015 Adolf-Windaus-Gedächtnis Vorlesung, Göttingen (Germany)
2015 Organic Synthesis Lecture, University of California, Irvine (USA)
2015 Heathcock Lecture, Berkeley (USA)
2014 Siegfried-Hünig Vorlesung, Würzburg (Germany)
2013 Elhuyar-Goldschmidt Lectureship (Spain)
2012 Inaugural Novartis Eastern Europe Lectureship (Russia & Poland)
2012 Musgrave Lecture, Durham University (UK)
2011 Lilly European Distinguished Lectureship (Greece)
2009 Astellas Lecture, Tokyo (Japan)
2008 Sir Robert Robinson Distinguished Lecture, Liverpool (UK)
2008 Westschweizer Graduierten Kolleg (3ème Cycle) (Switzerland)
2008 Andrew Derome Lecture, Oxford (UK)
2007 Eli Lilly Lecture, Harvard University (USA)
2007 Roessler Lecture Series, Cornell University (USA)
2007 Pfizer Michigan Lectureship (USA)
2005 Abbott Process Chemistry Lecture, Chicago (USA)
2005 Bristol-Myers Squibb Lecture, Princeton (USA)
2004 Merck Frosst Lecture, Montreal (Canada)
2004 Wyeth Lecture, MIT, Cambridge (USA)
2004 Merck Lectureship, Cambridge (UK)
2004 Centenary Lectureship der Royal Society of Chemistry (UK)
2003 Pfizer Symposium Lecture, Irvine (USA)
2002 Novartis Central Europe Lectureship (Czech Republic - Slovakia - Hungary)
2001 Victor Grignard - Georg Wittig Lecture (France)
2000 Holm Lecture, Kopenhagen (Denmark)
1999 Bürgenstock (Switzerland)
1999 Organic Reactions Lectureship Series (USA)
1999 Merck-Frosst Lecture, Toronto (Canada)
1999 16th H. C. Brown Lecturer, Purdue (USA)
1997 Novartis Lectureship (Switzerland)
1997 Nozaki Lecture (Japan)
  and > 200 Plenary or Invited Lectures at Conferences, Symposia, Universities or in Industry
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