Research Topics

Mechanical energy input can drive chemical reactions. The group studies such mechanochemical reactions by using different types of ball mills. [more]
Direct use of electrical energy is one of the key elements in the conversion of the chemical industry to a more sustainable production. The entry point into various value chains is water electrolysis to generate hydrogen. [more]
Solid catalysts are often structured on the nanoscale. Various methods are available to achieve such nanostructuring, including different templating pathways... [more]
Mesoporous solids have pores in the size range between 2 and 50 nm, microporous materials pores below 2 nm. A multitude of different micro- and mesoporous solids is known, such... [more]
Hydrogen Storage is one of the key problems for the implementation of a hydrogen energy economy. Solid hydrides are possible alternatives... [more]
Due to the expected depletion of fossil fuels, alternatives are required for the supply of our societies with fuels and alternative feedstocks for chemical production. Different types of biomass... [more]
The Max-Planck-Cardiff-Center FUNCAT is a joint activity between three Max-Planck-Institute (Chemical Energy Conversion (CEC), Fritz-Haber-Institute (FHI), and Kohlenforschung(KOFO)) and the Cardiff Catalysis Center (CCI). It was established in 2020 with the vision to stronger integrate the catalysis activities of the four entities. [more]
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