
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Ä Ö Ü All
Annette Krappweis
  • +49 208/306-2358
  • Heterogeneous Catalysis
Annette Krappweis
  • +49(0)208/306-2191
  • Molecular Theory and Spectroscopy
Moritz Krebs
PhD Student
  • +49(0)208/306-2367
  • Heterogeneous Catalysis
Dr. Annika Krusenbaum
  • +49(0)208/306-2369
  • Heterogeneous Catalysis
Kateryna Kryvous
PhD Student
  • +49(0)208/306-2440
  • Homogeneous Catalysis
Tobias Kull
  • +49(0)234/32-25606
  • Quantum Chemistry of Complex Molecular Systems
Dr. Ashwani Kumar
  • +49(0)208/306-2375
  • Heterogeneous Catalysis and Sustainable Energy
Dr. Satoshi Kurumada
Guest Scientist
  • +49 208/306-2473
  • Nachhaltige Katalyse für die Organische Synthese
Jennifer Kuziola
PhD Student
  • +49 (0)208/306-2474
  • Nachhaltige Katalyse für die Organische Synthese
Dr. Jinsun Lee
  • +49(0)208/306-2369
  • Heterogeneous Catalysis and Sustainable Energy
Spencer Leger
PhD Student
  • +49 208/306-2157
  • Computational Spectroscopy and Multireference Method Development
  • Molecular Theory and Spectroscopy
Alice Lehmann
  • +49(0)208/306-2041
  • Library
Prof. Dr. Christian Lehmann
Research Group Leader
  • +49 208/306-2174
  • Crystallography and Electron Microscopy
Roswitha Leichtweiß
Laboratory Assistant
  • +49(0)208/306-2389
  • Organometallic Chemistry
Wencke Leinung
PhD Student
  • +49(0)208/306-2468
  • Homogeneous Catalysis
Sebastian Leiting
Physics Laboratory Technician
  • +49(0)208/306-2171
Physics laboratory assistant
  • Powder Diffraction and Surface Spectroscopy
Anna-Lena Lenders
  • +49(0)208/306-2382
  • Organometallic Chemistry
Dagmar Lenk
  • +49 (0)208/306-2153
  • Molecular Theory and Spectroscopy
  • ORCA
Dr. Markus Leutzsch
  • +49 208/306-2136
  • Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
Tiago Leyser da Costa Gouveia
PhD Student
  • +49 (0)208/306-3588
  • Advanced experimental and theoretical spectroscopy
  • Molecular Theory and Spectroscopy
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