Zeitschriftenartikel (42)

Reetz, M. T.; Niemeyer, C. M.; Hermes, M.; Goddard, R. Molecular Recognition of Primary Amines by Three-Point Binding with Boron-Containing Host Molecules. Angewandte Chemie, International Edition in English 1992, 31, 1017–1019.
Reetz, M. T.; Raguse, B.; Marth, C. F.; Hügel, H. M.; Bach, T.; Fox, D. N. A. A rapid injection NMR study of the chelation controlled Mukaiyama aldol addition: TiCl4 versus LiClO4 as the Lewis acid. Tetrahedron 1992, 48, 5731–5742.
Slanina, Z.; Adamowicz, L.; Bakowies, D.; Thiel, W. Fullerene C50 isomers: temperature-induced interchange of relative stabilities. Thermochimica Acta 1992, 202, 249–254.
Werner, L.; Marlow, F.; Hill, W.; Retter, U. Optical second harmonic generation at Hg electrodes. The adsorption of aniline. Chemical Physics Letters 1992, 194, 39–44.
Reetz, M. T.; Kayser, F.; Harms, K. Cycloaddition reactions of λ-amino α,β-didehydro amino acid esters: a test case for the principle of 1,3-allylic strain. Tetrahedron Letters 1992, 33, 3453–3456.
Arthen-Engeland, T.; Bultmann, T.; Ernsting, N. P.; Rodriguez, M. A.; Thiel, W. Singlet excited-state intramolecular proton tranfer in 2-(2t'-hydroxyphenyl) benzoxazole: spectroscopy at low temperatures, femtosecond transient absorption, and MNDO calculations. Chemical Physics 1992, 163, 43–53.
Bakowies, D.; Thiel, W. Theoretical study of buckminsterfullerene derivatives C60Xn (X=H, F; n=2, 36, 60). Chemical Physics Letters 1992, 192, 236–242.
Michaelis, S.; Pörschke, K.-R.; Mynott, R.; Goddard, R.; Krüger, C. Struktur und Dynamik von [(2,6-Me2Ph-dad)Ni]22(1,4),η4(1-4)-C4H4}. Journal of Organometallic Chemistry 1992, 426, 131–141.
Marlow, F.; Caro, J. On the anisotropy of the optical properties of zeolites loaded with organic molecules. Zeolites 1992, 12, 433–434.
Breidung, J.; Thiel, W. A Systematic Ab Initio Study of the Group V Trihalides MX3 and Pentahalides MX5 (M = P—Bi, X = F—I). Journal of Computational Chemistry 1992, 13, 165–176.
Bürger, H.; Kuna, R.; Pawelke, G.; Sommer, S.; Thiel, W. High Resolution FTIR Study of the v8 Band and ab initio Calculation of the Harmonic and Anharmonic Force Field of Difluoromethanimine, CF2NH. Zeitschrift fuer Naturforschung, A: Physical Sciences 1992, 47, 475–479.
Krause, J.; Bonrath, W.; Pörschke, K.-R. (R2PC2H4PR2)Pd(0) Alkene and Ethyne Complexes. Organometallics 1992, 11, 1158–1167.
Reetz, M. T.; Harmat, N.; Mahrwald, R. Ligand Effects in Grignard Additions. Angewandte Chemie, International Edition in English 1992, 31, 342–344.
Krömer, R.; Thiel, W. Ab initio calculation of harmonic force fields and vibrational spectra for trichloromethyltitanium and related compounds. Chemical Physics Letters 1992, 189, 105–111.
Bach, T.; Fox, D. N. A.; Reetz, M. T. Cationic mono- and bi-nuclear iron complexes as Lewis acid catalysts in Mukaiyama reactions. Journal of the Chemical Society, Chemical Communications 1992, 1992, 1634–1636.
Breidung, J.; Schneider, W.; Thiel, W.; Lee, T. J. The vibrational frequencies of difluoroethyne. The Journal of Chemical Physics 1992, 97, 3498–3499.
Fürstner, A.; Jumbam, D. N. Titanium-induced syntheses of furans, benzofurans and indoles. Tetrahedron 1992, 48, 5991–6010.
Pluta, C.; Pörschke, K.-R.; Ortmann, I.; Krüger, C. Synthese, Struktur und Reaktivität eines Stanna(II)-nickela(II)-cyclobuten-Komplexes. Chemische Berichte 1992, 125, 103–106.
Reetz, M. T. Metal, ligand and protective group tuning as a means to control selectivity. Pure and Applied Chemistry 1992, 64, 351–359.
Reetz, M. T.; Stanchev, S.; Haning, H. Cram Selectivity in the Reaction of 2-Phenylpropanal with Alkyllithium Reagents: Myth and Reality. Tetrahedron 1992, 48, 6813–6820.
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