
Thermo Scientific 12 T LTQ-FT

Equipped with ESI, APCI, APPI and nano-ESI sources using an activly shielded 12T Magnet.

Bruker 7T APEX III Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance Mass Spectrometer (FTICR-MS)

Equipped with ESI, MALDI, EI sources using an actively shielded 7T Magnet.

Finnigan MAT 95

Double focussing sector field MS. Equipped with ESI, FAB, EI, CI sources. Used for accurate mass measurements.


Finnigan SSQ 7000

Quadrupole MS. GC/MS System using EI and CI sources.

Bruker ESQUIRE 3000

Ion Trap MS. ESI MS maschine coupled to LC, CZE and on-line reactors.

Finnigan MAT 8200

Double focussing sector field MS. EI with automatic Audevap Probe.

Finnigan MAT 8400

Double focussing sector field MS. EI with automatic Audevap Probe.

Thermo TSQ Quantum Ultra AM

Triple Quadrupole MS

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