MPI and partners build Heat Storage Systems
In the competition EnergieUmweltwirtschaft.NRW, MPI researchers and their project partners were able to convince the experts: the "HyHeatStore" project was recommended for funding. The aim of the project is to develop an application-oriented hydrogen-based high-temperature heat storage system based on metal hydride up to demonstration operation. The state of NRW and the EU will provide funding of approx. € 2.4 million for this purpose.
Heat storage systems based on metal hydrides have a significantly higher storage density than conventional storage systems. Dr. Michael Felderhoff's group will carry out the project together with the IUTA in Duisburg, the Energy Institute of the Westphalian University in Gelsenkirchen and Martin Busch & Sohn Apparatebau from Schermbeck at the H2-Herten User Centre. Felderhoff explained that the team aims to an expected storage capacity of 250 kWhth of thermal energy and thus wants to demonstrate a technically relevant order of magnitude that is to be scaled up after successful operation.
Heat storage systems are necessary for the compensation of fluctuating energy quantities and can also be used for the re-electrification of solar heat or industrial waste heat. Heat storage systems based on metal hydride use hydrogen as a working gas and can therefore also be used for the storage and distribution of hydrogen. The MPI für Kohlenforschung has been working for many years on solutions for the storage of hydrogen and heat with metal hydrides. Together with the project partners, a project of this magnitude is now being implemented for the first time.