Chemistry overcomes borders and boundaries

Italian and German institutions share “Historical Landmark” award of the European Chemical Society more

Jil Meyers does her PhD with Ferdi Schüth.

Minerva’s daughters: Jil Meyers is a PhD student at the MPI. more

Girls learn how scientists work in the department of crystallography.

30 schoolgirls visit the institute on Girls’ Day 2024 more

Javier Mateos (left), Tim Schulte and Tobias Ritter discuss their project in the lab.

The chemical industry has been using a reaction with explosive chemicals for over 100 years - now Mülheim scientists have discovered a safer alternative. more

Frank Neese receives his ACS Award from Mary K. Carroll and Carolyn Ribes from the American Chemical Society. 

Frank Neese is honored with the ACS Award in Inorganic Chemistry more

A closer look at mechanochemistry

Ferdi Schüth, Director at the MPI für Kohlenforschung, receives ERC Advanced Grant more

Christian Bürger (from left), Dr. Özgül Agbaba and Marc Meyer are part of the MechSyn-team

Kofo scientist raises 1.26 million euros in funding more

Prof. Benjamin List stands beside his newly unveiled bust at the Max Planck Society in Munich.

A Bust for Benjamin List

March 18, 2024

Nobel Laureate from Mülheim is honored by the Max Planck Society. more

Next year marks the 100th anniversary of the discovery of the Fischer-Tropsch synthesis.

To mark the 100th anniversary of the Fischer-Tropsch synthesis, a scientific conference will be held in Mülheim next year. Our institute will of course be taking part. more

Following her own footsteps: Berfin Göker.

Berfin Göker is training as a chemical laboratory assistant at our institute. more

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